Greenwich paradox: A tale of Urban Renewal
Autor/es: Berroug, Marwa
Director/es: Mateos Bermejo, Juanjo
Titulación: Máster Universitario en Arquitectura
Fecha de defensa: 2024/07
Tipo de contenido:
At its core, the project proposes transforming underutilized residential backyards into a dynamic communal space, a central courtyard designed as a shared gathering hub. By revitalizing these spaces, the project addresses the community’s desire for accessible, engaging public areas that foster social cohesion and well-being. This urban scale project focuses on transforming a specific block in Greenwich, currently consisting of houses with private backyards, to include both private backyards and a communal courtyard.
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Nombre: TFM_MarwaBerroug.pdf
Tamaño: 13.64Mb
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