The Intervention of the US in Iraq and the Presence of PMSCs: the Case of Blackwater
Autor/es: Molino Jiménez, Marta
Director/es: Gutiérrez López, Beatriz

Palabra/s clave: Empresas militares privadas; Servicios de seguridad privada; Irak; Blackwater; Fallujah; Nisur Square; An-Najaf; Estados Unidos
Titulación: Grado en Relaciones Internacionales
Fecha de defensa: 2021-06
Tipo de contenido:
In the last decades there has been an increasing tendency from state and non-state actors to use the services of Private Military and Security Companies.This dissertation analyzes the employment of Blackwater USA by the United States, during their intervention in Iraq. And their involvement in the Fallujah ambush, the An-Najaf battle or the Nisur Square massacre. These events determine that Blackwater in most of the cases acted wrongly, and had a higher rate for firing first during the performance of their operations in comparison with other companies. The analysis also presents the flaws in the international and domestic legislation to determine under which grounds thesecompanies could be prosecuted.To prosecute PMSCs personnel under International Humanitarian Law and International Human Rights Law is very complex. The Domestic Law of the states is a more adequate resource to do so. Nonetheless, still there here have been proved many deficiencies exist. Thus, this papersuggests that Blackwater.
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