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dc.contributor.authorPérez San Juan, Irene
dc.identifier.citationPérez San Juan, I. (2022). Becoming a Strong Independent Learner [Trabajo Fin de Estudios, Universidad Europea de Madrid]. Repositorio de Trabajos Fin de Estudios TITULAes
dc.description.abstractThe use of the English language and its teaching is nowadays one of the most important aspects of the globalized society in which we live in, as well as in education. However, its importance is often overlooked. The following didactic program has been developed with this in mind with the aim of changing this perception, based on fostering student autonomy in their learning, implementing methodologies and strategies that also foster their teamwork skills and critical sense when developing any kind of task, as well as on fundamental values such as equality and respect for multiculturalism and the different traditions around the world. This knowledge, paying attention to the technological context of our everyday life, will be taught in the most digital way possible, encouraging the use of ICT, without forgetting at any time to carry out tasks in traditional ways, seeking at all times a balance between analogue and more innovative procedures. On the other hand, situations are taken into account in which it is necessary to adapt the knowledge to be taught to those students who need it, with the aim of offering inclusive and egalitarian teaching and creating an atmosphere of comfort and trust between members of our
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internacionales
dc.titleBecoming a Strong Independent Learneres
dc.description.affiliationUniversidad Europea de Canariases
dc.description.degreeMáster Universitario en Formación del Profesorado de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria, Bachillerato, Formación Profesional, Enseñanza de idiomas y Enseñanzas Deportivases
dc.subject.keywordAula invertidaes
dc.subject.keywordTrabajo autónomoes

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