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dc.contributor.advisorRamírez Orduña, Martina Soledad
dc.contributor.authorGonzalo Nogueira, Natalia
dc.identifier.citationGonzalo Nogueira, N. (2022). English as a Cultural Journey [Trabajo Fin de Estudios, Universidad Europea de Madrid]. Repositorio de Trabajos Fin de Estudios TITULAes
dc.description.abstractThis document presents a teaching programme for the subject First Foreign Language (English) to be applied to pupils in the fourth year of CSE. It is a syllabus in which the contents of the subject are distributed in nine units, all of them covering topics related to Anglo-American literature and culture. The methodology used to implement the programme complies with three basic principles, which are important for language acquisition. The first is the social factor and by working with it, students will be able to communicate with each other efficiently. The second is the role of the student as an autonomous learner. It relies on the development of the learner's ability to control his or her own learning process. The third principle is to teach the learner to value and respect the society and culture of the country from which they are learning the language as well as to develop the emotional aspects of the learner. This programme also considers attention to diversity as an aspect to be worked on throughout the course. It is applied in a way that attends to the needs of all pupils in order to develop their abilities, giving the same opportunities to all, trying to motivate companionship and well-being within the classroom and advocating
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internacionales
dc.titleEnglish as a Cultural Journeyes
dc.description.affiliationUniversidad Europea de Canariases
dc.description.degreeMáster Universitario en Formación del Profesorado de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria, Bachillerato, Formación Profesional, Enseñanza de idiomas y Enseñanzas Deportivases

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