@misc{20.500.12880/8669, year = {2024}, month = {6}, url = {https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12880/8669}, abstract = {This study examines the issue of overtourism in Valencia City, drawing insights from the experiences of Barcelona to highlight sustainability challenges. In recent years, Valencia has transformed from a quiet, charming city into a bustling hotspot for tourists. This shift mirrors a broader trend seen in historic European cities, where an increase number of visitors has led to significant changes in the urban landscape and local way of life. Similar to what has happened in Barcelona, Valencia is now grappling with issues like crowded infrastructure, soaring housing prices, and the erosion of local culture. The research aims to understand these changes and find sustainable ways to manage them. By comparing the situations in Valencia and Barcelona, the study specifically analyzes the impact of touristic apartments on housing availability and affordability, the strain on public services and infrastructure, and the socio-cultural disruptions faced by local communities. It aims to identify the point where the benefits of tourism start to be outweighed by its drawbacks. The study also explores targeted strategies, such as regulatory measures on short-term rentals, investment in sustainable infrastructure, and community engagement initiatives, that could help Valencia avoid the negative impacts experienced by Barcelona. The goal is to propose practical solutions that allow Valencia to benefit from tourism while preserving its unique character and quality of life for residents.}, title = {From Barcelona to Valencia: Comparative Challenges of Overtourism}, keywords = {Overtourism}, keywords = {Sustainability}, keywords = {Urban Tourism}, keywords = {Housing Affordability}, author = {Elsamanoudi, Hana Amro}, }