@misc{20.500.12880/8099, year = {2023}, month = {7}, url = {https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12880/8099}, abstract = {This paper study shows the environmental impacts of multinational companies in the beef sector operating in the Brazilian Amazon. It shows a historic trend of illegal deforestation and how it is done nowadays by major companies that source the meat in Brazil to later export it around the world, making consumers automatically become part of a environmental problem that is enhancing global warming and climate change. It also shows how the biggest meat company in the world -JBS- is doing this, and what are the general industry trends in Brazil. In addition, it relates the issue to governments and the international treaties made in the United Nations regarding environmental global conflicts; in particular, the Paris Agreements and Sustainable Development Goals}, title = {Environmental impacts of multinational companies in the beef agribusiness sector operating in the Brazilian Amazonia; under the scope of United Nations SDGs and the Paris Agreement}, keywords = {Sustainability}, keywords = {Meatpacking}, keywords = {Agribusiness}, author = {Gómez Pardo, José Antonio}, }