@mastersthesis{20.500.12880/2740, year = {2022}, month = {7}, url = {http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12880/2740}, abstract = {It is a fact that in Spain, the methodology used to teach English is quite the reverse to that applied in Europe. It is known that a plethora of time is dilapidated by doing only filling-gaps exercises or explaining the grammar without no context and no communicative approach. Likewise, the misleading standpoint that English is useless is some pitfall to be considered. Within this didactic program, it can be seen throughout the learning situations presented, the use of a combination of traditional teaching methodology (a teacher-oriented methodology) in tandem with an innovative flipped-classroom (student-oriented) ideal for stimulating an active learning, autonomy and for working multiple intelligences along with the responsible use of the ITCs, the implementation of collaborative learning and directive teaching methodologies in the student’s tailor made activities for solving day-to-day situations and for embracing diversity, since it has been demonstrated to serve as a vehicle to promote motivation, collaboration, inclusion. For it can be seen as a scaffolding process to promote critical thinking and essential values on any individual within a technological society.}, title = {From Impossible to Possible: a Didactic Unit Based on Motivation}, keywords = {Aprendizaje tradicional}, keywords = {Aula invertida}, keywords = {Uso responsable de las TICs}, keywords = {Inclusión}, keywords = {Pensamiento crítico}, author = {García López, Carlos Fernando}, }