Complications after intraoral local anesthesia
Autor/es: BOËLLE, Garance Marie Céline Madeleine
Director/es: Pintor Holguin, Emilio
Palabra/s clave: Odontología; Anestesia local; Enfermedad cardiovascular; Complicaciones; Prevención
Titulación: Grado en Odontología
Fecha de defensa: 2023-06
Tipo de contenido:
Complications arising after intraoral local anesthesia are relatively common during dental procedures and can, in some cases, be severe. The occurrence and severity of these complications depend on both the patient's underlying pathology and the techniques employed. This study reviews the main complications observed in dentistry when using local anesthesia, classifying them based on the technique used and the patient's health status. It also addresses the necessary precautions and preventive measures that should be followed during dental procedures.
The primary objective of this study is to analyze the hemodynamic changes associated with dental anesthesia, particularly when a vasoconstrictor (such as epinephrine) is used, and to examine its impact on patients with ischemic heart disease. Additionally, this study evaluates the prevention of complications and the major complications that can arise from loco-regional anesthesia in dentistry.
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